Our Vision

A healthy community with opportunities for everyone.

Action Plan

Each year our coalition develops an annual action plan based on needs identified by our ongoing review of data and input from community and coalition members.

In the action plan you’ll learn more about our 6 goals and strategies we are using to address youth substance abuse and strengthen community connections.

Logic Model

We follow the steps laid out in the Strategic Planning Framework (SPF) to develop a logic model that outlines our short term, intermediate, and long term goals.  Through the SPF we assess the need in our community, identify root causes of the problems identified, develop sustainable strategies that will reduce risk factors and increase protective factors related to these root causes, and evaluate the effectiveness of our strategies.  Throughout the process we strive to be inclusive of and sensitive to all cultures within our community.

Strategic Plan

When our coalition was first formed in 2013 one of our first efforts was to develop a strategic plan to address youth substance use and the lack of community connectedness in our area. We identified areas of highest need and worked within our group to find strategies to address these priority concerns.  We also identified local resources and began to develop partnerships to support our efforts and strengthen community connections. Click here for a list of our community partners.

We will be updating our Strategic Plan in 2024.

"Your hard work has made a difference in not only our school, but our community." – Lyle HS Student

Upcoming Events

5:00 pm KLASAC Full Coalition Meeting
KLASAC Full Coalition Meeting
Mar 19 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://esd112.zoom.us/j/82962681211Meeting Schedule
5:00 pm KLASAC Executive Committee Meeting
KLASAC Executive Committee Meeting
Apr 14 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
If interested in joining or for more information about the KLASAC Executive Committee please email Sheila at klasaccoalition@gmail.com
5:00 pm KLASAC Full Coalition Meeting
KLASAC Full Coalition Meeting
Apr 16 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://esd112.zoom.us/j/82962681211Meeting Schedule
5:00 pm KLASAC Executive Committee Meeting
KLASAC Executive Committee Meeting
May 12 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
If interested in joining or for more information about the KLASAC Executive Committee please email Sheila at klasaccoalition@gmail.com
5:00 pm KLASAC Full Coalition Meeting
KLASAC Full Coalition Meeting
May 21 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://esd112.zoom.us/j/82962681211Meeting Schedule