KLASAC was formed in 2013 by combining the small towns of Klickitat and Lyle in their efforts to prevent substance abuse.
What is KLASAC?
KLASAC is a group that formed to address the high underage drinking and marijuana use rates in our community. The coalition is made up of different sectors that are involved in our community and have similar goals. We work as a team to reduce youth risk factors and increase protective factors!

Join Us!
Our meetings are open to the community and are held the third Wednesday of every month from 5pm to 6:00 pm. At this time, we will have hybrid meeting options. You may join us in person, alternating locations between the Klickitat Community Center and the Lyle Activity Center or join us on Zoom. If you would like to join in, please email us at klasaccoalition@gmail.com to be added to mailing list and receive meeting links.